a really nice job Received my canvas yesterday. Looks great. You folks did a really nice job.
I'll be working on another in the not too distant future.
Thanks again,
Stanley, | It is great The canvas arrived yesterday and is great. It is to be used in a wedding on Saturday and the couple are thrilled to have it.
Karin, | EXTREMELY HAPPY We have received this order and are EXTREMELY HAPPY with the superb result. The quality of your 60" X 35" blow-up of our beach image is really excellent. It appears that technicians who did the work took special care to ensure the best detail and color range. The quality of the color ranges, especially the white on the wave tips, is fantastic. Thanks very much from a very happy customer.
John, Berkeley | Just got it!!!! Dam, AMAZING!!! Great quality!!!
Wish I knew you guys when you were down the street!
Alex, Vancouver |